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Membership Categories

Membership in Equality USDA is available in the following categories:

  • Regular Member – Any person eligible for membership shall be deemed a Regular Member upon payment of current annual dues.
  • Lifetime Member – Any person eligible for membership shall be deemed a Lifetime Member upon payment of current lifetime dues.
  • Associate Member – Non-dues paying members. Associate members are nonvoting members and do not have the right to hold office.
  • Honorary Member – A person may receive an annual Honorary Membership upon recommendation of the Executive Board and majority vote of members. Honorary members are nonvoting members and do not have the right to hold office.
  • Sponsor Member – Any person(s) who donates funds to support a project or proposed activity sponsored by Equality USDA. A Sponsor Member may be considered a Regular Member if the donation exceeds the value of annual dues, as determined by the Treasurer, and the individual is a USDA employee or retiree.


Dues for Regular Members is $35 per year. Dues for Lifetime Members is a one-time $300 payment.

Because we are a member created and run organization, we collect dues in order to provide all programs and opportunities for members. Equality USDA is in the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) Non-profit.

New members may pay dues on a pro-rated basis based on remaining membership period. Only dues-paying members shall be allowed voting privileges at meetings and elections. Member privileges will be revoked if the dues are sixty (60) days past due. Special accommodations may be arranged when financial hardship is a barrier to membership at the discretion of the Executive Board, upon request.